星期日 [ 6月7號 ] - 下午 5:17pm
好吧 ~ 今晚的小野貓的演唱會取消了.. Mark, Rony (Mark 介紹的朋友) 和我決定找個地方喝cafe. 我們走在市民大道上.. 東看西看... 突然看到............... 一隻大豬!!!!!!!!!!!!! 不是mini 豬, 大豬! In the middle of Taipei? 而且, 她... 她還擦指甲油!! 這真的是我第一次看到! 超酷的.
她就自由自在的在走道上走來走去... 我好奇的就一直跟著她後面... (完全就像Totoro電影裡面, 小妹妹第一次看到Totoro的朋友同樣的反應 - 完全傻掉, 無法抗拒好奇心, 就一直跟著後面...)
而且... 不要看她胖胖的, 她跑得好快!
她突然像明星一樣, 被好多人圍繞著...
..但她一點都不害羞.. 很大方的靠近我. 好親切的把她的頭放在我的大腿上...
原來, 她的主人是一家修摩托車行的老闆. 我忍不住問他這個豬是不是真的擦指甲油 - 我還記得他這樣會答: "她不是擦指甲油, 她是穿高跟鞋!" Oh my god, 這個老闆更酷! I got to translate this in English!! When I asked the owner if this pig is really wearing nail polish... his answer was: "She is not wearing nail polish, she is wearing high heels!" This guy is even cooler! 這隻豬叫"妞妞" (好有個性, 我喜歡). 她很聰明喔 - 會聽主人的指示. She's multi-talented! 老闆還很樂意的叫妞妞表演給我們看!
She sits on command! 好厲害 ~ 說坐就坐...
She freezes when we say "don't move." 說不要動就不動...
She knows how to shake hand! 說握手就握手! (umm... she's even better than my sister's dog! ~ sorry sis.) By the way, this is my favorite picture of her ~ she's just so adorable! Not bad for "puppy" eyes!
... and knows how to walk backwards. (At this point, I was speechless) ...還會後退!!!
Just when you think it's over... the pig shows you how to undo a lock!! (I always knew pigs are smart, but didn't know they kick ass like this!) 還沒完畢ㄛ! 妞妞還會開鎖! 這.. 這太勁爆了吧!
This pretty lady isn't only rockin' it in her pink high heels, she wows you with her long curly eye lashes (watchout Maybelline models)!
這位可愛的小妞不只是穿著漂亮的粉紅色高跟鞋, 她還用她的長長眼睫毛來迷你!
最後, 她真的看起來像老闆的心肝寶貝 - 還一直跟老闆撒嬌, 抱抱!
This is priceless - she hugs like daddy's little girl.
Definitely not something I expect to see on a Sunday afternoon, in downtown Taipei! But, hey, that's why you gotta love Taiwan! And Miss Piggy is definitely strutting her stuff in her hot stilettos~ go girlfriend!
[ Photo captured from http://www.flickr.com/photos/24368452@N03/2989904206/ ]