目前分類:Design, art & culture (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

 baby in box.jpg





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當我們想到 Kit Kat, 就會想到它的 famous slogan: "Have a break, have a Kit Kat!"

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星期日 [ 6月7號 ] - 下午 2:18pm


[ 暫停了一下, but the story continues! ]

cachecache 發表在 痞客邦 留言(23) 人氣()

星期六 [ 6月6號 ] - 下午 6:48pm



離開晶華酒店時, 我看了一下手錶: 4:40pm.  OK, 我還有時間去找我朋友的生日禮物.  


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This is where I grew up - my playground.  Quebec is the only French province in Canada - as it used to be a French colony.  And I lived at the heart of it, Montreal.


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Many of you may wonder what is it I do exactly.  In simple words, I link brands to designs.  Actually, I'm passionate about it.

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Couldn't get enough?  Watch it again!


This new Heineken ad "Walk-In Fridge" sure brings a refreshing taste to this sweltering, exhausting heat in Taipei.  Heck, lock me up in that fridge!  I too, would clap my hands, and jump up and down with joy!

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